Friday, November 10, 2006

Tá de saída!

"Surrounding yourself with the people you love is something you always want to do, but it's usually a fairly ambitious production. It can be hard to align your schedules, and it can be even harder to avoid tensions between certain members of your social circle. But today the energy around your circle is more positive than ever, so it's a great time to get everyone together for a relaxing evening. If you can't arrange something for tonight, you can find an alternative time very soon."
in Zodiac

Quem se aponta? Vá vá, venham todos!! Sugiram local e horas.

Shout Out Louds - Hurry Up Let's Go (mp3)

1 comment:

Joni said...

Fogo!! Acho incrível! Nem um único comment! Eu aqui cheio de espírito gregário e nada... Hoje devo ir ao Incógnito, para não variar, quem quiser ir que ligue.