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Zuckerberg: Relationship Status, interested in. This is what drives life in college. Are you having sex our aren't you? It's why people take certain classes and sit where they sit, and do what they do. That's what the Facebook is gonna be about, People are going to log on, because after all the cake and watermellon, there's a chance they're actually gonna...
Eduardo: Gonna get laid!
Zuckerberg: a girl, yes.
in The Social Network

Fast Food Nation

Fast Praying Nation

24 de Outubro, Arrábida.
Workshop de Escalada.
Horóscopo de hoje: "It is now officially time to get over yourself. Stop dwelling on the past. It's gone, and it won't be back. Put some distance between you and whomever or whatever makes you even the slightest bit unhappy. Come on. Let go and let the universe drive. Who knows where you'll end up? Regardless of where that happens to be, it's got to be better than sitting in front of the television."