O meu hóroscopo de hoje é o que tenho dito a mim mesmo nos últimos meses: "Sometimes you have to break through a brittle outer shell in order to get to the soft caramel center. Someone or something in your life right now presents a similar problem, so before you toss it in the trash and announce that it's not worth your time, take a moment. Is there something worth pursuing that's simply hidden behind a tough exterior in there?"
Horóscopo de ontem: "You've got something of a a dilemma now, and you're pretty torn by it. Do you listen to what sounds like perfect logic, coming from someone close with experience with this type of situations -- or do you go with your gut, which tells you to do the opposite of what everyone else is saying? Only you can make the final decision -- but when you think about it, when was the last time your instincts let you down?"
Desire | Chromatics | Blouse | Jai Paul | Clams Casino | Balam Acab | Water Borders | Gang Gang Dance | Zambri | Grimes | Dream Cop | Niki & The Dove | Labyrinth Ear | Phèdre | Mi Ami | Simian Mobile Disco | SBTRKT | Woolfy | Phantogram | Suicide